1. Can you feed more than one herbal liquid at the same time?
Up to 3 different herbal liquids can be administered together. In the case of a bad cough, we recommend administering the cough liquid separately (2 minutes after the other herbal liquids).

2. What determines whether to select a 3-litre or 6-litre treatment (packet)?
We recommend a 3-litre treatment (packet) for prevention, and a 6-litre treatment (packet) for existing problems.

3. How long before the herbal liquids take effect?
Herbal products develop their full effect after 10-14 days of administration. The body needs to time to adjust, so we always recommend that you administer the herbal liquids for at least 3 weeks. Our customers often notice the first positive changes after only a few days.

4. Is it possible to administer the herbal liquids on a permanent basis?
Yes, it is possible to use them on a permanent basis if you have small breaks in between. After eight weeks there should be a break of two to three weeks in order to prevent a possible habituation effect.

5. Is a break necessary when you switch from one herbal liquid to another?
No, as the liquids are composed of different ingredients.

6. What is the difference between Nerve Liquid I and Nerve Liquid II?
Nerve Liquid I has a tranquilising effect, while Nerve Liquid II promotes concentration.  Nerve Liquid II is not subject to the FEI doping regulations and can be used at competitions. Nerve Liquid II can also be administered for longer periods.  

7. Are the herbal liquids suitable for my horse that has a metabolic disorder or laminitis?
Yes, the herbal liquids do not contain any sugar or cereals. Only the throat liquid contains a small amount of honey, therefore we recommend administering the minimum amount (40ml, 2 times a day) in horses suffering from metabolic diseases.

8. Can I take the herbal liquids myself?
We sell animal products, but we’ve received a lot of positive feedback from our customers who have used our liquids on their own responsibility.

9. Should I administer the herbal liquids twice daily or is it possible to administer a single dose once a day?
In principle, we recommend two doses daily for a better effect.  If you administer a single dose, we recommend giving 80 % of the total daily dose.   Important: Administer the Gut Vitality Liquid slowly (50 % of the total daily dose over five days!)

10. What is the best way to administer the herbal liquids?
Simply mix the quantity indicated into the favourite food.  For horses, concentrates such as sticks, cereals, mash or hay cobs are usually used for this purpose. For small animals like dogs and cats we recommend mixing the liquids into their wet food. For small animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs the herbal liquid can be added into the drinking water bottle, but it is very important to make sure that the animals then actually drink the water.  Many customers prefer administering the liquids by injecting them into the mouth if several animals have free access to the same feed and water.

11. My horse is so fussy, I don't know if it will eat the herbal liquids?

Horses find the EWALIA herbal liquids extremely tasty.  Owners of picky horses are always very surprised that their horses accept the herbal liquids so readily. If an animal refuses to take the liquid in, slowly increasing the quantity could help the it to get used to the taste over time. 

12. What are the shipping costs?
For AT and DE the shipping costs are € 4.90 for orders below € 50. For orders values of € 50 upwards, shipping is free. Click here for an overview of shipping costs to other countries: https://www.ewalia.at/versand-und-zahlungsbedingungen

13. Can the herbal liquids be fed to pregnant or lactating mares?
In the case of pregnancy or lactation, we recommend feeding EWALIA herbal liquids, and other feed supplements as well, only in consultation with a veterinarian. If you have any questions, please contact office@ewalia.at

14. What dose should I give to my pony/Shetland pony?
We recommend 80 % of the recommended daily dose for a full-size pony and 50 % for a Shetland pony.

15. Can the herbal liquids also be used in young horses and foals?
Please discuss feeding them to a foal with your veterinarian.
The herbal liquids can be given to young horses in adjusted doses.

16. Will I receive confirmation that my parcel has been shipped?
We use different service providers for delivery. If you provided the correct email address when ordering, you will receive a shipping confirmation of your delivery including tracking number.

17. Can I give the horse liquids to my dog and vice versa?
The compositions of ingredients have been specially developed for the particular animal species, as the digestion and metabolism of the animals differ. In principle, we recommend that the liquids be administered only to the designated animal species.

18. How long can the liquids be stored for?
Since the EWALIA herbal liquids do not contain any added preservatives or sugar, the shelf life of the liquids after opening the bottle is between 7-14 days, depending on storage conditions. We recommend that our liquids be stored in a cool, dark place and sealed tightly after use.  If the herbal liquids are stored in the refrigerator after opening, they can be used for considerably longer.  The basic shelf life after opening the originally sealed liquids is 12 months under ideal storage conditions.

19. Why do I get six single bottles and not a big canister when ordering a 6-litre treatment?
Because we consciously avoid using preservatives the herbal liquids have a limited shelf life. The contents of a single big canister would go off during the period of administration.

20. My horse is taking medicine. Can I administer EWALIA herbal liquids anyway?
That depends on the ingredients of the medicines.  Please consult a veterinarian!

21. Can EWALIA herbal products also be used on/fed to cats?
Cats have different metabolisms, therefore we ask that you consult us or your vet before using one of our products on your cat!

22. Sustainability at EWALIA:
We gladly accept plastic bottle returns free of charge (minimum 24 bottles) for recycling. To keep the CO² emissions as low as possible, we offer this service for a minimum of 24 bottles, as otherwise emissions resulting from transport would be too high to justify it. The most eco-friendly option would be direct professional disposal by you at home, which would save on transport and thus on emissions. Please let us know if you’d like us to send you a free return shipping label.

23. How to redeem bonus points at EWALIA:
You can find detailed information about how to redeem points at EWALIA in the following document: Detailed guide

24. Are Ewalia herbal juices, feed additives, treats and care products relevant to doping?
National and international doping laws are subject to constant revision and change. We therefore recommend that you check a product's ingredients for relevant doping substances before using them ahead of a competition. The FN website has a searchable database https://www.pferd-aktuell.de/turniersport/anti-doping-und-medikation/listen-der-verbotenen-substanzen-und-methoden and the FEI website publishes a list of banned substances http://prohibitedsubstancesdatabase.feicleansport.org/search/ for your perusal.

Do you have more specific questions or would you like customised advice?

Call us!

Tel: 0043 3115/93080    Mon- Thu 08h00 - 18h00, Fri 08h00 -14h00

We will gladly take time to attend to your concerns!