Ewalia Fashion

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Ewalia knowledge




Anise not only gives Christmas biscuits a fine aroma, but is also a well-known remedy that quickly brings relief to horses and dogs with digestive problems and respiratory diseases.

Aronia berry

The black berry of the aronia is characterized by the high content of bioactive ingredients that are said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Birch leaves and birch bark

Birch leaves and birch bark have a revitalizing effect on the organism. With their diuretic, mildly draining effect, birch leaves help flush out the kidneys and bladder and are ideal for detoxifying spring cures.

Family business Ewalia

Natural Support for horses & dogs

The evocative name EWALIA, made up of the first names of the owners EWAld Seidl and CorneLIA Seidl, stands for a company that has made the well-being and health of horses and pets its mission statement. When you enter our company in St. Margarethen an der Raab (Austria), you can smell the well-known scents of the herbal mixtures even before opening the doors. In a family atmosphere, we produce natural, highly concentrated herbal juices for horses and domestic animals with the utmost care. We now produce and ship up to 25,000 liters of our specially developed recipes per month, not only throughout Austria.

From an idea in our own stable, products for the entire horse world emerged.
More about us
Horse Quattro with the owners Cornelia & Ewald